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Política de la tienda

Atención al cliente

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product Terms

This website offers visitors hand crafted candles for purchase, all of which are home made in a small apartment in the Bronx, New York. Our candles are made of predominately Coconut wax blended with smaller concentrations of Soy & Beeswax or Paraffin. The blend may depend on the availability from the manufacturer. Because all of our products are handmade, they may display some unique characteristics such as - some visible frosting around the glass, minor discoloration of the wax, slightly off-centered labels, tiny markings on the metal lids, etc. None of these impact the quality of the candle itself. Please also be aware that some fragrances may produce some rusting on the inside of the metal candle tins, which would only affect our 4oz candles. In purchasing any of our items, you (the purchaser) agree to use all products safely and abide by the safety directives and warnings provided by Aroma By XC, a sub-brand of So-Chill Creations. 


Upon purchase of our items you agree to the following cautionary points:

  • Fully remove product from the packaging before use

  • Keep away from flammable objects

  • Keep away from children and pets

  • Never leave the candle unattended.

  • Only burn the candle on a leveled, fire resistant surface.


Additionally, you agree to abide by the following candle burning instructions:

  • Keep the wood wick short - Your wick comes trimmed to 1/8 inch. Before relighting make sure it's about the length. A wick that is too ling cannot absorb the wax it needs to burn properly. 

  • Light the wick all the way across to help even out the heat.

  • The first burn should last ~60 minutes to allow the wax to set its even melting point. An uneven wax pool can down the wick and cause problems lighting it.

  • Burn in 2 to 4 hour increments after the first burn to preserve the longevity of the scent in the candle. Do not burn longer than 4 hours at a time.

  • Be safe - keep the candle away from drafts and never move it while burning. Even though our wax is made of natural blends commonly used for other body products, our wax is not meant for any part of your body, so please keep it away from it (especially when hot!).


At Xo-Chill Creations we also offer other hand crafted products that include but are not limited to wearable items (t-shirts, hats, headbands, etc) and drinkware. While we try to obtain quality products, supplies do come from third party vendors and so there may be differentiations in the products themselves as well as include other warnings. When purchasing our items, you agree to reading all the warnings included for each product in the website or in print. As products are handcrafted, there may be imperfections such as prints being uncentered, smudges or spots resulting from the creation process. 

You agree to indemnify and hold Aroma By XC or So-chill creations harmless from any demands, loss, liability, claims or expenses (including attorneys’ fees), made against them by any third party due to, or arising out of, or in connection with your use of the website or any of the services offered on the website. Furthermore, Aroma By XC sub-brand of xo-chill creations shall not be held responsible for any property damage, personal injury (including death) or any other loss caused from misuse of the product or candle burning procedures by you (the purchaser) or any third party to whom you (the purchaser) may have made the product available to.

Privacidad y seguridad

Soy una sección de política de privacidad y seguridad. Soy un gran lugar para informar a sus clientes sobre cómo usa, almacena y protege su información personal. Agregue detalles como cómo usa la banca de terceros para verificar el pago, la forma en que recopila datos o cuándo se comunicará con los usuarios después de que su compra se haya completado con éxito.


La privacidad de su usuario es de suma importancia para su negocio, así que tómese el tiempo para escribir una política precisa y detallada. Utilice un lenguaje sencillo para ganar su confianza y asegúrese de que sigan regresando a su sitio.

Métodos de pago

Payment Methods

- Tarjetas de crédito / débito

- Pagos fuera de línea


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